Ahnlab Asec


  1. Ahnlab Security
  2. Ahnlab Scan
  3. Ahnlab Asec Report
Ahnlab security
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Ahnlab Security

  1. Upon analyzing the detection log, AhnLab ASEC team discovered that njRAT is mostly distributed via Webhard and torrent websites, disguised as ordinary file such as video games, authentication tools, and utilities. In most cases, PCs are infected with malware the moment the source program is run, making it difficult for users to.
  2. ASEC 분석팀은 Nemty, Ryuk, BlueCrab(=Sodinokibi) 랜섬웨어와 Raccoon, Predator 정보유출형 악성코드들이 동일한 외형의 정상 프로그램을 위장하여 유포중인 것을 확인하였다.

Ahnlab Scan


Ahnlab Asec Report

최고의 악성코드 분석가 및 보안 전문가 조직인 ASEC(AhnLab Security Emergency response Center)이 최신 보안 위협에 대한 상세한 분석 정보를 제공합니다. AhnLab Security E-response Center (ASEC) asec@ahnlab.com Updated on May 18, 2005 08:56 UTC Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only.