Mac Os X Web Pages Not Loading

Most websites (gmail, youtube, facebook, etc.) suddenly will no longer load on my mac, regardless of browser, when on my home network. However, some pages, like Amazon or soundcloud, still load perfectly fine. I'm able to load all pages perfectly on my phone using the same wifi network. When I run a hotspot, my mac can load all pages again. Tackle Web pages not loading in OS X Arguably Safari, Firefox, Chrome and other Web browsers are perhaps the most commonly used applications on your Mac, so when browsing various sites, you might be frustrated if pages suddenly stop updating with content you know is new, or stop loading at all.

I have a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.5.6 I connect to the internet with an ethernet cable direct into the wall. When I open the network connection box, it says the ethernet is connected, but it will not load any web pages. Friday I was using it fine and then got off. Came back a bit later and could no longer connect to any pages. I have spoken to my internet provider and they say my settings are fine. I am online on my desktop that connects using the same ethernet cable. I am not having any trouble connecting on it. I went and bought a new ethernet cable, just in case it was the problem, but that didn't help. I don't know too much about what I am doing and am very frustrated at this point. Any help would be much appeciated.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect / Access Some Websites

Aug 9, 2009

I am new to Mac and have been struggling with this issue for the last week or so: there are a few websites I cannot access anymore (such as,, and a few others). As far as I can guess it is not:strictly *.au website related (or at least I think) because I can access some others *.au websites and some other in *.com or *.fr don't work either. My ISP (iinet in Australia) as the websites mentioned above work from my PC when I connect it from home. Below the result from a PING on the first 2 websites in the list above:
PING ( 56 data bytes
36 bytes from ( Communication prohibited by filter
Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst
4 5 00 5400 0ea6 0 0000 38 01 978d
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
37 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
I have this issue from both my iMac and my Macbook Air, on which I have set up no firewall or other specific filter. I am using a Belkin modem, on which I have desactivated the WiFi to use a TimeCapsule as a WiFi router. I get the same issue when I try to connect from Safari, Firefox or Chrome. I have exhausted all tips and tricks I have from the PC word.

Applications :: Macbook Won't Connect To Certain Websites

Apr 16, 2010

I don't think I've got anything blocked as far as a firewall goes. I've tried connecting to mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html and mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html and it won't connect. Other sites work fine. I tried my neighbor's W-LAN and I couldn't connect either but he connected to squarespace on his macbook pro, so I think it's something with my computer and not my apartment's W-LAN connection.
Mac OSX 10.5.8
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 Ghz.
13' aluminum body, bought about a year ago
Tried both Safari and Firefox browsers

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Software :: Unable To Connect / Cannot Access Certain Websites

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Here'S the error message I get in Firefox:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

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1) restarted the server, airport extreme, and cable modem
2) checked the DNS via the web and my site addresses are pointing to my static IP address
3) turned Web services off and on again in Server Admin
4) checked the Airport port mapping to make sure Web Service (Port 80) was still open
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OS X :: Certain Websites Won't Open?

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I've recently been having some trouble accessing certain websites from my macbook.
What happens is that once I enter the address for the particular website in my address bar and press return/ enter, the browser attempts to load the website, but cannot seem to do so, as if it is being blocked in some way. After a minute or so of trying, I usually get the message 'Page Load Error' accompanied by 'Network Timeout' or 'Failed to open page' in Safari. Changing browser does not seem to work (same results with Camino, FF, Safari, and Opera), and using VMWare Fusion running XP, I get the same thing.
My setup is white C2D macbook, connecting wirelessly to an AEBS. I have another desktop, and 3 other laptops, as well as an iPod Touch and PS3 on the network and all of these can access the sites as normal. Just to let people know, I also changed to OpenDNS and flushed the DNS cache.
Could anyone shed some light on why this is happening? Alternatively anything else I should be looking to do (besides reinstall of OSX)?

OS X :: Can't Visit Certain Websites

May 6, 2009

For some reason my computer can't access a website. I just got accepted into a college and it won't let me access ANY of the website associated with that school. Also I just got denied to another website as well so now that makes it two!! I've heard of getting a virus that can change your hosts file which would make sense, but there's no way I have a virus. I visit these sites pretty frequently also. My roommate also can't get on the websites either from his computer, so I guess that would rule out the virus, and I'm guessing it would have to do with my router/IP. I've reset my Airport Express, tried using only ethernet and I still can't get to them. Anybody know what it could be? I desperately need to access the schools website!

Software :: Websites Don't Look Right?

May 11, 2008

Certain websites, including facebook and youtube, don't load properly. It looks like all of the information is there, but it's all just listed down the left-hand side of the page.
On my PC, these websites load and look normal, but on my mac they do not look normal when they load. I have tried opening the websites using both firefox and safari with the same results. I have also tried changing various settings on my preferences for each browser.

MacBook Pro :: Can't Connect To Internet - Using Wireless Modem To Connect To The Netgear Wgt624

Dec 27, 2007

I have a blackbook (intel core 2 duo) and I can connect to my landlord's wireless network (they have a netgear wgt624) but I can't actually use the web (Safari or Firefox will just 'think'). I've tested the diagnostics and it confirms that my mac can connect to the network, but it cannot connect to the internet. The network uses WPA personal and it has a 19-aphanumeric passphrase.
*Also - would it be possible for me to extend the wireless range (and make it possible to browse the web) if I used my own 2wire wireless modem to connect to the netgear wgt624?

Intel Mac :: Error : Unable To Connect To The Database:Could Not Connect To MySQL

Jul 3, 2012

Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL I just started to receive this message, when I try to go to this one website. What caused this? and how can I fix this problem? I an geet to website using other browsers.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

Software :: Will A Modern Mac Run All Websites?

PagesNov 16, 2010

I asked this question a long time ago, but I'm contemplating buying a new Mac (I may wait for Lion and get a new iMac then).
Anyway if you've seen my other posts you'll know I have an old iMac G5 with Panther which for various reasons I've only recently starting actually using. This means I have pretty old browsers and I can't help more recent versions. This has meant that lately both Safari and Firefox, which are updated as far I can for Panther, seem to crash if I try and go on anything but very simple websites.
I don't know if this is a fault with my iMac or just because it's such old software now (OSX and browsers alike) and so modern websites won't work - in much the same way as more and more websites won't work on my work PC, which still has IE6 and XP, because it's such an old browser (IT won't let us upgrade because some work-based stuff we use was designed to work with IE6!)
However, it has made me a bit cautious about getting a new Mac. I mainly want my Mac for websurfing which is a pretty light activity, BUT I do use chat-rooms, inbedded videos etc. etc. a lot. I know it's not Apple's fault but I really do want a machine where I can visit any website and use any feature.
Please be honest with me - do you have difficulty on any websites using a modern Mac with up to date OSX and browsers? Chat rooms, embedded video, shopping etc? If anyone is gay I'm specifically thinking of mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html chat rooms which can be awkward even on Windows. I really love the web and I don't want to be unable to use any site - even just a few not working would really annoy me, so I need to know if Mac is the right platform for me...

OS X :: OS X Won't Open Any Websites Properly?

Dec 14, 2010

I can't look at any website properly. Everything seems to be so messed up, even the Apple home page.

OS X :: No Images And Formatting Out On Certain Websites

Nov 5, 2008

I have recently moved my Mac Pro from my work to my home, and since moving I am experiencing problems with certain webpages. There are no images and the formatting of the pages are completely out. I am using Firefox and have tried Safari so thats not the problem. Windows and Pcs are fine threw the same wireless lan & internet connection.

OS X :: Email Address Does Not Appear On Websites

Feb 12, 2009

A lot of websites I go to and click on Contact us or email us nothing happens and therefore I cannot find the email address. I have found a Way around that is plug in my Mouse and right click properties and sometimes I get the email address. However this is annoying as happens alot. Yes pop up window is turned off so if pop up should work. Example of webpage below mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html. I click on there contacts email address and it just flashes but never see address. How can I see the email address?

OS X :: Can't Access Local Websites

May 5, 2009

I've created a few PHP websites on my mac mini before uploading them. I placed the website files in the 'Sites' folder of my user account and turned on 'Personal Web Sharing' in the Sharing preferences and could access them fine. All of a sudden, I can no longer access the sites through my web browser - I'm given the message that my browser cannot connect to the server. Any ideas why this might have suddenly started happening? I installed MySQL last week - would that affect it in any way?!

MacBook Pro :: I Cant Log Onto Any Websites Through My System

Mac Os X Web Pages Not Loading Video

Jun 25, 2009

I have parental control on my macbook, my mother has agreed to edit settings but we dont know what edit. I want to take the parental control offAndi've downloaded msn messenger for mac 7 but i cannot sign in.It says that the username or password is wrong, im sure people have also had this problem, but i cannot figure it out!I have a few other problems such as i cannot log in to myspace, yahoo etc. there are a few sites on google which i cannot access

OS X :: Safari Hangs On Certain Websites

Oct 1, 2009

MacBook hangs on certain websites (yahoo mail, cbs sports, mens fraternity) but only from one of my wireless networks. PC works flawlessly on this situation and macbook works flawlessly on my first wireless router so the problem is tied to the interaction between my Macbook and the second wireless router. I've searched the forums and tried many fixes already that have been posted here or elsewhere: Reset Safari (it then allows me to reach yahoo mail once, hangs on every try thereafter). Go to Safari preferences and uncheck the box for warning of fraudulent sites (no change) Go to advanced settings and input DNS numbers from my ISP (this solved the problem for some websites but not others) try firefox (same problem as safari) software update everything (no help) install onyx (about to do that). network is a DSL modem connected to the first wireless router (DLINK N+). Second wireless router is linksys G (the problem child) and it is hardwire connected to first wireless router.

Mac Os Pages

OS X :: Safari Refuses To Go To Certain Websites?

Jan 5, 2010
Mac os x installer download

Mac Os X Iso

so I've had my MacBook for over a year, and I've never had any issues like this before. On my personal account, Safari, FireFox, Opera, and the like cannot access mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html, mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html(or any variation that leads to the same site), any other Google-based websites, my school's online gradebook, nor will it allow me to log into my Yahoo! account, though i can still search on yahoo. I can use the Google search bar at the top of my safari window just fine, but not mac-os-x-web-pages-not-loading.html, as mentioned before.