Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In

  1. Mac Office 2016 Update
  2. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Windows 10
  3. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Chrome
  4. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Word
  5. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Word
  6. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Gmail
  7. Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Excel
  1. Select File Account (or Office Account if you're using Outlook). If you're not already signed in, click Sign In.
  2. Oct 07, 2015 Office 365 and Office 2016 are pretty much doing away with the Product key in favor of a user login. Each user will have 5 activations and as long as they have separate user profiles you can set this up once and as the use the Office applications they will be required to login at least once a month to keep it activated without login prompts.
  3. Sep 27, 2015 Resetting your keychain in Mac OS X Moreover, I'd like to confirm whether the issue happens when you login with your account in other browsers or different Office clients on other Macs. In addition, does the issue only occur in Word 2016 for Mac or all Office clients when you login? Please let us know the updates.

Nov 05, 2017 (Word 2016, Mac OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.5) Every time I go to open Word it tells me 'Get started' I click it, it asks me to ' Sign in to Activate Office' I click the Sign In button, it freezes and will not respond making me force quit. I have deleted and reinstalled office but still the same issue persists.


In Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac, you are repeatedly prompted for authentication while you're connected to your Office 365 account.


This issue occurs because of the presence of duplicate tokens in the keychain.


To resolve this issue in Outlook 2016 for Mac, install the February 2017 Outlook update (version 15.31.0) from the following Office website:


To work around this issue, delete any cached passwords for your account, and also delete any modern authentication tokens from the keychain. To do this, follow these steps.


These steps affect all Office applications that use modern authentication.

  1. Quit Outlook and all other Office applications.

  2. Start Keychain Access by using one of the following methods:

    • Select the Finder application, click Utilities on the Go menu, and then double-click Keychain Access.
    • In Spotlight Search, type Keychain Access, and then double-click Keychain Access in the search results.
  3. In the search field in Keychain Access, enter Exchange.

  4. In the search results, select each item to view the Account that's listed at the top, and then press Delete. Repeat this step to delete all items for your Exchange account.

  5. In the search field, enter adal.

  6. Select all items whose type is MicrosoftOffice15_2_Data:ADAL:<GUID>, and then press Delete.

  7. In the search field, enter office.

  8. Select the items that are named Microsoft Office Identities Cache 2 and Microsoft Office Identities Settings 2, and then press Delete.

  9. Quit Keychain Access.


    When you start Outlook, you are prompted to authenticate.



Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.


When you try to activate or sign in to any of the Microsoft Office 2016 applications after you install the version 15.33 update, you receive a blank authentication screen. Additionally, you may see any of the following symptoms.

Symptom 1

The following issues occur in the Unified Logging Service (ULS) log:

  • The server has redirected to a non-https URL.
  • Errors occur in Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) authentication.

Mac Office 2016 Update

To locate the ULS log, open Finder and browse to the following path:



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Note <Application> represents the name of the application that you are troubleshooting.

Symptom 2

You notice that in an HTTP trace, the server response includes multiple WWW-Authenticate headers, such as the following:

WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

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Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Windows 10

WWW-Authenticate: NTLM



The symptoms occur for the following corresponding reasons:

Cause for symptom 1

Starting from Office 2016 for Mac version 15.33, unsecured endpoint traffic is blocked in authentication flows.

Cause for symptom 2

Starting from Office 2016 for Mac version 15.33, the authentication method no longer selects NTLM authentication when multiple WWW-Authenticate headers are present in the response. The issue occurs when the selected authentication method is unsuccessful.


Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Chrome

Resolution for symptom 1

Configure all authentication endpoints to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

Resolution for symptom 2

Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Word

Install the September 2017 update for Office 2016 for Mac version 15.38.

Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Word

More Information

More information for symptom 1

Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Gmail


Office 2016 Mac Skip Sign In Excel

The resolution applies when you use Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services or non-Microsoft federation solutions.