Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10
This happens because Configuration Manager does not have drivers for a VMware Virtual Machine. A lot of people get stuck here because they forget to import VMXnet3 drivers to their boot image. Unlike Dell, VMware doesn’t provide the driver package file in.cab format. You have to import VMware drivers into your WinPE boot image. VMRC might prompt The keyboard hook timeout value is not set to the value recommended by VMware Remote Console when connected to a virtual machine. Workaround: Click OK to update the value and log out of Windows to ensure the update takes effect. Installing VMRC client on Windows 10 might fail with an error Failed to install the HCmon driver. توجه: ممکن است در ویندوز موقع نصب نرم افزار فوق با ارور failed to install hcmon driver مواجه شوید، در این صورت فایل hcmon.sys را به hcmon.sys.old تغییر نام داده و مجدد امتحان کنید. مسیر فایل مذکور: C: windows system32 drivers hcmon.sys. Jan 15, 2016 Launch Windows PowerShell as Administrator; Change directory to the folder where the VMware-VMRC-xxx.msi is located; Execute.
Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Asus
- Installing vSphere Client 5.1 fails.
- You see the error:
Failed to install hcmon - The vminst.log file (located in the %TEMP% folder) contains entries similar to:
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installing hcmon driver
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Copying files, so stopping any pre-existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLCopyFileToSystemDir: Copying 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVMwareUSBhcmon.sys' to 'C:Windowssystem32drivershcmon.sys'
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLInstallService: Stopping any pre-existing instances of service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLInstallService: Service 'hcmon' already exists: 0x00000431
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 XX:VNLInstallService: reconfigured existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installed driver hcmon, now starting
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStartService: Service 'hcmon' could not be started: 0x000000a1
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:ParseCommand: operation: successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: Done waiting for process, code 0
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: process was not successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Launched 64-bit process, result FALSE
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed calling VNL_InstallHcmon()
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 Freeing library: 1669922816
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed to install hcmon
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.